Onboarding Service Provider
Business Application & Enablement Service Provider
Advisory Service Provider

3rd Party Provider

Dataspace license

Company Size*
<1 bn
Company Size*
<1 bn
Company Size*
Annual Price**
1.000 €
Annual Price**
5.000 €
Annual Price**
*Company sizse based on consolidated annual group revenue according to your latest audited financial statements.
** Pricing per company, billed annually. All prices are net prices without VAT
Everything you require to start your technical onboarding into the Catena-X dataspace
More details
Onboarding Services
  • Identity services and Business Partner Number (BPN) issuance
  • Onboarding support and orientation for the Catena-X Dataspace
Dataspace Services
  • Access to the Catena-X Dataspace (Productive Environment: PROD)
  • Access to the Catena-X Test Environment (Pre-Productive Environment: PRE-PROD)
  • Managed identity wallet (MIW) for your Catena-X credentials
Platform Services
  • List your Applications and Services on the Cofinity-X Marketplace
  • Support, guidance, and resources for using the Catena-X Dataspace
  • Basic global customer support for Cofinity-X services