Transform products into digital twins, enhance them with use case capabilities, and connect them to Catena-X<br>
DatafabriQ acts as a partner in removing the technological hurdles of a data space and enabling the latest advancement for all related Catena-X use cases. Allowing EVERY COMPANY to focus on scaling their Catena-X use cases.
Our solution DataQ provides a seamless journey to transform products into digital twins, enhance them with use case capabilities, and connect them to other twins alongside the supply chain.
Digital Twin creation
Integrate your data sources into a single interface creating use case-ready Digital Twins. <br>
Collaboration dashboard
Manage your use case collaborations per product and partners in one single interface.<br>
Provisioning of core components
Receive automatic provisioning and management of all core components to collaborate with Catena-X partners.
Provider Information
App Provider
DatafabriQ UG
Provider Homepage
+49 17622242277