Onboarding & Strategy
Wir begleiten Sie von der Strategie über die Anbindung bis hin zur Anpassung Ihrer Systeme und Prozesse.
As a certified Catena-X consulting company, we guide you into the Catena-X ecosystem. We enable general and deep technical understanding and collaboratively develop tailored strategies to unlock the maximum business value of Catena-X. Additionally, we support the technical integration, adjustment of IT structures, and provide technical support for the effective use of Catena-X.
Vorreiter in Datenraumtechnologien
Expertise in data(space) technologies & architectures: GAIA-X 1st Day Member, Catena-X qualified Advisor, etc.
Fundierte Erfahrung
Experience with integration into the Catena-X ecosystem, technical support, and co-development of the EDC.
Ganzheitliche Betrachtung
We understand the risks and potentials of CX: identifying obstacles, empowering departments, adapting systems.
Provider Information
App Provider
Materna Information & Communications SE
Provider Homepage
+49 1741798657