SAP Sustainability Data Exchange
Catena-X certified SaaS solution for product carbon footprint management and exchange

SAP Sustainability Data Exchange (SDX) is a SaaS solution for buyers and suppliers. The solution allows trading partners to communicate and manage product carbon footprint information across the supply chain through a request and respond feature. The data exchanged complies with common standards such as WBCSD PACT and Catena-X so that carbon values can be delivered in a trusted, auditable way. It is an interoperable and industry-agnostic.
Exchange footprint data with supply chain partners
Enable the exchange of product footprint data between partners for purchased and sold products
Review and manage footprint data
Allow you to review and manage your received (from suppliers) or calculated footprint data
Integrate footprint data to and from other business applications
Integration of product footprint data to and from other business applications