For automotive leaders

Datenaustausch in der Automobilindustrie data management

Eine Revolution für die Zusammenarbeit: Als erster Betreiber des Catena-X-Datenraums ermöglicht Cofinity-X einen sicheren und standardisierten Datenaustausch zwischen allen Akteuren der Automobilindustrie.

Unsere Shareholder

Key benefits of Golden Record

Unlock the power of  
Golden Record

data pool

Combines data from major industry players to create a unique database, including site information, which is unique in the market.

Golden Record

Once the datasets have passed all quality checks, we confirm their accuracy and completeness by creating a "Golden Record".

Unique BPN identifiers

Each record is assigned a unique Catena-X Business Partner Number (BPN), which serves as the master key for secure and standardized exchange between Catena-X ecosystem participants


The Business Partner Number (BPN) structures master data into information on legal (L), operational (S) and address (A) level to clearly organise industrial the supply chains.

BPN-L (Legal)

Verified legal entity information to uniquely identify business partners.

BPN-S (Site)

Detailed Information about of operational and logistics activities of a company

BPN-A (Address)

Accurate address information to ensure seamless communications and transactions.

Reduced cost
of data management

The Cofinity-X Golden Record service provides centralized access to continuously updated and verified address information for the global supply chain.

Automation and data accuracy

AI and API integrations improve data accuracy by synchronizing with public and private registries. The system automatically tracks changes such as name changes, mergers, and  keeping data up-to-date

Error and duplicate management

Enables the identification of duplicates and errors in data, providing the foundation for accurate and up-to-date records. The Data Quality Dashboard supports compliance by applying rules tailored for over 100 countries, providing customers with the tools to cleanse their systems locally based on unique BPNs.

Data enrichment

Data undergoes multi-stage cleaning and enrichment via AI and global registries, including trade register numbers and tax IDs, ensuring high quality and up-to-dateness.

High level of 

security assurance

All data is anonymized and clients work in isolated instances, which ensures privacy and security.

Security and privacy management

Golden Record ensures data security through encryption, anonymization and access control, complying with GDPR requirements and ensuring a high level of privacy and data protection at all stages of processing.

Non-personal screening (NPS)

The Golden Record Service process has built-in natural person screening and removal to comply with Catena-X standards and remove GDPR-sensitive data from your business partner database.
Get Golden Record

Take control of your
data management with Golden Record

Join the Catena-X ecosystem and start optimizing your supply chain, data exchange, and logistics processes now.

Eine neue Epoche beginnt

Machen Sie mit Cofinity-X

Wir bieten die technische Grundlage für den sicheren Austausch von Geschäftsdaten in vollem Einklang mit den Grundsätzen von Catena-X.

Trusted by industry leaders

Die Unternehmen besitzen und kontrollieren ihre Daten jederzeit. Alle Daten sind vor unbefugtem Zugriff gesichert. In diesem vertrauenswerten Umfeld wird dabei die Einhaltung von Vorschriften, die Zusammenarbeit und der effiziente Datenaustausch erleichtert.

Accurate and always up-to-date

Unternehmenssysteme von verschiedenen Anbietern können nahtlos miteinander kommunizieren und zusammenarbeiten. Dieser offene Ansatz reißt Barrieren ein und ermöglicht reibungslosere Abläufe und fördert zudem Innovationen. Unternehmen können ohne Probleme mit der Kompatibilität die besten Tools auf dem Markt nutzen.

Scalable for business growth

Der Catena-X-Verein legt gemeinsam die Standards fest, um den nahtlosen Datenaustausch im gesamten Ökosystem der Automobilindustrie zu erleichtern. Alle Mitglieder können sich hier einbringen, so dass jedes Unternehmen zu einem einvernehmlichen Ansatz für den Datenaustausch beitragen kann. Davon profitieren dann alle – zum Beispiel durch die Verwendung digitaler Zwillinge.

Intuitive and employee friendly

With a user-friendly interface, staff can quickly adopt the system, minimising training and maximising productivity from day one.

Simplifies compliance and audits

Die Daten werden in einem eigenständigen Format gespeichert und verwaltet. Cofinity-X entwickelt Apps für Catena-X, der Marktplatz umfasst aber zudem Apps und Services von anderen Anbietern. Ziel von diesem dezentralen Ansatz sind ein fairer Wettbewerb, mehr Innovationen und ein besseres Geschäftsumfeld für alle Teilnehmer des Daten-Ökosystems.

Relevant for Demand and Capacity Planning

Leverage detailed and accurate partner data to optimise planning processes, ensuring better alignment with industry needs and supply chain requirements.

Wie können Sie sich anschließen?

Ihre Reise in ein zukunftsweisendes

Cofinity-X ist Ihr exklusiver Zugang zum Catena-X-Datenraum. Der Einstieg ist ganz einfach!

Registrieren Sie Ihr Unternehmen

Machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen startklar für den Datenaustausch

Erkunden Sie den Marktplatz

We use Cofinity-X's Golden Record service. It will save us 40-50% of the effort and provide better data once it is established.

We use Cofinity-X's Golden Record service. It will save us 40-50% of the effort and provide better data once it is established.

Sven Lorenz
Haben Sie weitere Fragen?

Erfahren Sie mehr über das unique BPN

Auf unserer Seite zum Onboarding finden Sie detaillierte Informationen zur Registrierung sowie Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen.


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Got questions? We've got answers

Frequently asked questions

How does Golden Record help avoid errors and speed up processes?

Golden Record automates the processes of data cleaning, enrichment and verification, minimizing human errors and speeding up data processing. This improves accuracy, reduces delays and increases overall team productivity.

How does Golden Record integrate with my existing systems?

Golden Record easily integrates with your current processes and systems, enhancing them without the need for major changes. This allows you to maintain your familiar workflow while increasing efficiency through automation.

What are the risks of switching to Golden Record and how to avoid data loss?

The migration process from Golden Record is automated and reliable, which minimizes the risks of data loss or distortion. We guarantee the accuracy and safety of data at all stages of the transition.

How does Golden Record help you meet regulatory compliance?

Golden Record automates compliance with GDPR and other data protection regulations, minimizing the risk of errors and reducing the effort of updating data so you can focus on your business’s most important tasks.

How to migrate to Golden Record without interrupting current processes?

The migration to Golden Record is smooth, with minimal disruptions and without significant interruptions in work. The system integrates with current processes, ensuring continuity of operations and improving productivity from the very beginning.

What if my team doesn’t want to change their existing work methods?

With Golden Record, you retain full control over your processes while still benefiting from automation. The system adapts to your needs, improving processes without drastic changes or disruptions to your routine.

How fast will the implementation take place and how much time will it take to train employees?

Golden Record implementation is fast and requires little effort. The intuitive interface and automated data migration process minimize training and transition time, allowing you to quickly get results.

Does Golden Record replace old methods of data exchange such as email or Excel? 

Yes, Golden Record provides a modern and secure platform for data exchange, speeding up processes and minimizing errors, improving interaction with partners and increasing data accuracy.